PLASTIC: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Plastics have become part of our daily lives. We rely on them for many applications and their ease of use. Is there a downside? Well, we know that plastics are causing a lot of environmental pollution, but what about their effect on human health? Recent research shows that plastic is not so great for us either. According to the Plastic Health Coalition, we eat, drink, and breathe microplastics every day and unfortunately, they contain a number of chemical additives, which are related to serious health problems.Research is still ongoing and with the long-term effects of plastics still unknown, perhaps we...
The Scary Thing in your Halloween Treats
Halloween is here, and so are the colorful cupcakes and candy that go along with it! People have added colorings to food for centuries. In the early 1900's synthetic food coloring came from coal tar, but nowadays most artificial food dyes are made from petroleum. Over the years, hundreds of artificial food dyes have been developed, but a majority of them have since been found to be toxic. There are a handful of artificial dyes that are still used in food (and cosmetics) today, but their safety is very controversial. Some countries have banned them, while others deem them safe...
Fight Climate Change?
Lately I have been hearing a lot of people in powerful positions talking about fighting climate change. But from my perspective, being someone who grew up loving nature and always feeling like I was part of nature, this doesn’t make sense. The environment, the climate, and our planet are screaming for HELP. This is not a war, but our acknowledgment that we may be failing as guardians of our planet. There is a root cause to every problem, and nothing will be accomplished if we follow this path of destructive, top down thinking. Maybe it is time that we allow...
We Have the Power!
Sometimes it feels like there is no way that we can make a difference in the world. We see things that we may not agree with or feel that something isn't right, and we often believe there is nothing we can do about it. “I am just one person. How do I make a difference?” I have good news for everyone. We do have the power! By making small changes in our own lives, we can make a big difference. In a capitalist world, the consumer holds the power. All companies are at the mercy of their buyers. If we...
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